Monday, December 3, 2007

work musings

It's an odd thing, to be a part-time worker for the company whose coporate ladder you were so industrously working to climb for so many years. After half a decade realizing that I had no desire to move above the position I was at, I went back to school part time, got a degree, then entered seminary and cut back to part-time hours. Usually a minimum of 20 hours a week, maximum of 32, but still pretty exhausting when you're taking 13 hours.
The hard thing about working when it's not your main priority making it the priority when you're in the office. I spent a week researching and writing a paper in the library, and at the end of it I was exhausted and wishing I could find a way for someone to pay me to do that all the time.

Not for the first time I've been thinking that i need to find a new job, or to bite the financial aid bullet and get a loan to supplement a barrista income, which is the kind of job with the kind of hours I'd be looking at if I left this one. Note that I still have at least eight years of schooling left. Help, but I just don' t know what to do.

Anyway, after a long meeting about targeted marketing, I was wondering about the stark individualization of society, and how that might play a part in the fracturing of community. When we all read the same newspaper, watched the same TV news programs, were we a community? Or was it all part of that good-ol-days illusion, in which only some of us priviliged ones were community, and we blissfully ignored those who weren't? And can we create community when our personal needs are so catered to, when we ignore the call to show love by bending to the needs of those around us?

I think i'll go home and watch the evening news, instead of hunting and picking for news online, and see if it makes a difference.


Erudite Redneck said...

Our first virtual community in this country was TV, and when there were only three channels, everyone who watched TV was part of it. That's lost now, although super-popular shows, like "Friends," do create smaller virtual communities.

Dr. ER and I have tapes or CDs of all the classic Christmas movies and cartoons, and we watch them whenever we want. But I try to make it a point to watch the Charlie Brown cartoos, and "It's a Wonderful Life," and such when they are on TV, because I like to know I'm still part of the dwindling community of people who are watching. :-)

Hey, come to my place and read a Reformation piece I wrote a few years ago! :-)

drlobojo said...

ER said: "Our first virtual community in this country was TV,..."

Radio dude, radio...and you call yourself a historian.